Friday, April 22, 2011

The Politics of Other People's Money

For decades Democrats have held on to both office and relevancy by giving away “others people’s money.”

On the pretense of protecting “the needy” they have, in fact, greatly increased the number of needy.
They have created several generations of government dependent serfs. Their “safety nets” have destroyed the sense of personal responsibility for tens of millions.

When there was no more “other people’s money,” both parties simply began wholesale borrowing in order to maintain their positions in government.

In a nod to bipartisanship, I will note that Republicans are only marginally better than Democrats regarding deficit spending. Note the Medicare drug entitlement created by President Bush and the Republicans in 2003; enacted when Medicare itself was going broke.

It is disturbing that, faced with the horrors of global repudiation of the US dollar, even today Democrats still demand more spending. They clearly put their own ambitions over those of the people they are sworn to represent. President Obama’s and the Democrat’s behavior regarding annual deficits and the national debt is no less than treasonous.

Now that there is no more “other people’s money” or credit, Democrats will attempt to retain their office and relevancy by pretending to protect the needy from “ruinous” budget cuts.

It will be interesting to see how that works out.

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