Friday, April 22, 2011

The Politics of Other People's Money

For decades Democrats have held on to both office and relevancy by giving away “others people’s money.”

On the pretense of protecting “the needy” they have, in fact, greatly increased the number of needy.
They have created several generations of government dependent serfs. Their “safety nets” have destroyed the sense of personal responsibility for tens of millions.

When there was no more “other people’s money,” both parties simply began wholesale borrowing in order to maintain their positions in government.

In a nod to bipartisanship, I will note that Republicans are only marginally better than Democrats regarding deficit spending. Note the Medicare drug entitlement created by President Bush and the Republicans in 2003; enacted when Medicare itself was going broke.

It is disturbing that, faced with the horrors of global repudiation of the US dollar, even today Democrats still demand more spending. They clearly put their own ambitions over those of the people they are sworn to represent. President Obama’s and the Democrat’s behavior regarding annual deficits and the national debt is no less than treasonous.

Now that there is no more “other people’s money” or credit, Democrats will attempt to retain their office and relevancy by pretending to protect the needy from “ruinous” budget cuts.

It will be interesting to see how that works out.

Friday, April 8, 2011

How Serious Is Our Debt Problem?

People, pundits, and politicians repeatedly state that the massive debts the government is creating will be paid by their children and grandchildren. I don’t think this will happen; at least not in the way most people envision.

Our government is like a drunk with an unlimited charge card. He has some income from a minimum wage job but he owes a million dollars. He cannot begin to pay back the principal and continuously adds to his debt buying things he doesn’t need with money he doesn’t have. He is totally out of control. There is nothing on the horizon indicating his behavior will change.

The charge card company is the holder of US bonds; China being the largest holder.

Eventually, US debt holders will figure out that the drunk will never pay off his loans. They will begin increasing the interest rate they charge ever higher when they roll the loans over. Moody's Investors Service has warned that the AAA rating of US securities is in jeopardy due to high debt levels. Losing a AAA rating will cause investors to demand still higher interest rates. Indeed, interest rates have recently started rising as the government is seeing reduced demand for US bonds. Paying more interest with borrowed money plus continued  borrowing will add considerably to the principal making it even more impossible for the drunk to pay off his debt. Interest will consume more and more of the wages the drunk gets from his minimum wage job until there is no money left for him to support himself..

The national debt currently stands at $12.6 trillion. Medicare and Social Security are entitlements promised to the American people. They are called unfunded liabilities because the government has no plans or means of paying for these two programs. When you add Medicare and Social Security unfunded liabilities to the national debt, the total is a staggering $106 trillion. The current market value of all final goods and services produced in the US (GDP) is $14.2 trillion. The national debt plus the Medicare and SS unfunded liabilities is equal to 7 times the GDP.

Recently the Social Security system took in less money than it paid out for the first time in history. Now SS benefits must be partially paid for by cashing in the US bonds the SS system purchased over a number of years from the US government. Of course, the money SS paid for the bonds has long ago been spent by the government. Since the government has no money, redeeming the SS bonds will force it to simply sell more bonds.

The government cannot raise taxes enough to manage the debt because in would destroy the economy, lead to higher unemployment, and the public would never stand for it.

The government cannot cut services enough without creating overwhelming protests from the public. Witness the protests currently occurring in Greece and France when their governments try to reduce spending. Special interest lobbyists who finance the reelection of politicians will protect their government “benefits.” There are so many Americans receiving government handouts, significant cutbacks are politically impossible.

In the final analysis, the government will have only two options; simply print more money or simply repudiate its’ debt.

Since foreign governments own much of our debt, repudiating their claims would introduce a host of undesirable consequences. For instance, foreign governments could simply seize US government and non-government property. It is highly improbable that our government would deny payment of foreign government owned debts.

As the dollar falls in value, foreign investors whose currency has maintained its value will buy up American companies and real estate at bargain prices. We will have sold our very country on the cheap.

Printing more money was the option the Wiemar Republic took in post World War 1 Germany.

The Wiemar Republic was established in 1919 as the government of Germany following WW1. The Wiemar Republic was staggered by the huge debts resulting from war reparations. The Republic responded by printing more currency. In December, 1923 there were 500 million Rentenmarks (paper currency) in circulation. By July, 1924 total paper marks increased to 1,211 quintillion. Paper marks became nearly worthless. German citizens were using paper currency for wallpaper and actually burned it in their stoves because it was cheaper than buying coal. Civil unrest and the damaged economy caused by hyperinflation led to the Nazi takeover of Germany and the rise of Adolph Hitler.

Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman said that increasing the amount of currency of any civilization throughout history has always caused a proportionate reduction in the value of the currency; inflation or hyperinflation. Price inflation always follows increases in the supply of paper currency. Most of us can remember how the US inflation of the 1970’s and 1980’s played havoc with the economy.

Simply printing more money is not a feasible remedy for our debt problems.

The only option I can see is that we could auction off government assets; maybe starting with open land and progressing as necessary to national parks and probably further. Indeed, our descendents will pay a heavy price for our allowing the irresponsible spending we are currently seeing.

Our children and grandchildren have more to fear from their government than any generation in our history. However, legitimately paying off our debt with their taxes isn’t one of them.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to cut federal spending for free!

One of the most effective means of limiting federal government spending would cost next to nothing. Simply have national elections on April 14, the day before federal taxes are due.

Where is our president?

Muammar Gaddafi has all but crushed the pro-democracy movement in Libya. Expect our president to take a bold stand and decisive action any day now.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Our Aloof President

As the Middle East is ravaged by civil unrest, our president seems rather distant and unconcerned.

Our president supported Egypt’s Mubarak for weeks before offering rather tepid support for the insurgents. Likewise, he didn’t come out in support of the insurgents in Libya until the world media made an issue of his absence. In 2009, rebels in Iran staged the strongest protest to their terrorist supporting government in 20 years. Our president has yet to voice support for them.

Every president in modern times would have immediately voiced support for the rebels in their fight for democracy and freedom. Not our current president.

Likewise, all former presidents in the last 50 years would have immediately dispatched an aircraft carrier task force to the Mediterranean. Not our current president. Doesn’t Mr. Obama realize that not dispatching a carrier is putting Americans at serious risk in both Egypt and Libya? Doesn’t he realize that the Middle East could erupt into much more widespread bloodshed possibly involving other countries or even all out war?

Our president seems to be more concerned about not doing anything that might possibly irritate his Muslim friends than protecting American citizens.


To Cure a Lot of Societies Problems

Large numbers of low birthweight, drug addicted, premature babies, infant mortality, fatherless families, uninsured children,  disruptive students, truancy, school dropouts, juvenile delinquency, drug use, murderers, felons, etc., etc. These problems result largely from simply having too many underprivileged children for the system to deal with. Most of these unfortunate children were born to a mother that could not begin to provide emotionally, psychologically, or financially for her children. A huge number of these children were the second, third, fourth, fifth child of a welfare mother. We taxpayers pay not only for the birthing of these children, their food, shelter and health care, but for the multitude of problems they create as they grow older; often for their entire lives. Enough is enough. Welfare mothers should be sterilized before they leave the hospital following the birth of their first or second child.

The Politics of Wisconsin

February 18, 2011

In order to save their state from death by debt, Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker and Republican assemblymen (legislators) are considering a bill that would strip most public service employees of the right to collective bargaining. In addition, public service employees are expected to pay a small part of their pension and health care costs. Police and fire unions are exempt.

The reaction was astounding.

Eleven hundred teachers called in sick. Schools were closed.  A crowd of 25,000 protestors stormed Madison, the state capital. Downtown Madison looked like Cairo, Egypt. In order to prevent a vote on the issue, every Democratic assemblyman left Wisconsin to hole up in a resort in Illinois. An offshoot of the Democratic National Committee is actively organizing protests and bussing in protesters against the proposed legislation

This type of reaction has been seen in Greece, Ireland, and Great Britain when their governments announced budget cuts. There may be a similar reaction by the American public when Republicans try to reduce the deficit by any meaningful amount.

Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare consume 57% of the federal budget. Expenditures for these entitlements are projected to grow quickly in the future. The president completely ducked the entitlement funding problem in his budget; preferring instead to commit taxpayers to yet another huge entitlement, Obamacare. Republicans will but have yet to present a bill that would repair these financially failed programs. Democrats prefer to deny there is a debt or spending problem and therefore cannot be criticized for doing nothing except demagoguing any budget cutting plan to death.

While tea partiers and conservative congressmen believe the American public will support cutbacks in order to reduce the deficit, the reality remains to be seen. As the good people of Wisconsin, Greece, Ireland, and Great Britain have shown; many folks are not willing to give up anything in order to deal with deficits and debts.

I can only hope other Americans will respond better when the time comes for them to give up some benefits in order to prevent a national and global financial disaster. I am not optimistic.

Jacksonville, FL